Sunday, November 1, 2009


Hello - well we have survived another Apple Day for another year - and this one was the very best yet!

Although the weather forecast spoke of heavy rain - we only really got drizzle at the nursery - and the heavy rain stayed inland - and the people came down in their droves!! We had over 120 cars - and over 500 people - we were almost snowed under!

To all of you who came down - a big thank you - for all of your kind comments on how good the nursery looked - thank you.

We sold countless trees - not all apple - and a lot of very happy people played the games and won prizes.

A true team effort - our thanks goes to Brian and Jak for a sterling job parking all those cars - to Max,Janet and Sue for the superb fun that people had with the games - and also to Sue for her excellent 'meeting and greeting people as they came in' - to Liz - the top salesperson of the day for selling and constantly restocking the apples -to Kevin - for being his usual brilliant self - just calmly selling trees left right and centre despite queues of people everywhere - to Graeme for helping me to fend off constant questions and queues of people - to Jill and Karen for battling on with teas and cakes - and to Dick - our superb maintenance man for all his behind-the -scenes work.

Together as a team - we all made the day as special as it was for everyone - a big WELL DONE and an even bigger THANK YOU!!


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